The Food Line

Our small food line includes the great classics of Piedmontese gastronomic excellence ,namely hazelnuts in all their variations: toasted,sweetened,spreadable cream,hazelnut cake,lady lisses.
The drive towards innovation has suggested that we combine tradition with new products, where the unmistakable taste Piedmont IGP Hazelnuts is enhanced thanks to the combination with spices from distant realities: curried hazelnuts,with cinnamon, cardamon and anise:seeing is believing.


Products 100% Hazelnut Piedmont PGI

Derivatives or delights

Sweet and savory, traditional and tasty proposals obtained exclusively from Hazelnut Piedmont PGI

The Cosmetics Line

The organoleptic characteristics of the Tonda Gentile hazelnut from Piedmont make it particurarly suitable for the world of cosmetics. From the cold pressing of the raw fruits is extracted an oil that becomes the noble component of our cosmetic preparation of natural conception,which exploit and ehnance the unmistakable scent of hazelnut,but above all, give our body all the beneficial properties of this small fruit.

Body care

Natural soaps delicate Hazelnut Oil Piedmont PGI

Body cleansers or cleansers

Nourishing cosmetic products with hazelnut oil Piedmont PGI